Out With The Old To Make Room For The New Vintage Finds

This is one of my favorite times of the year, when I give myself a hall pass to get rid of the old stuff in order to make room for new finds. Yes, I have stuff that needs to be cleared out. While many of my finds are great, there are those that I must have purchased when the sun was shining in my eyes. Here are a few that will be heading down the road to benefit someone else. At least that’s what I tell myself.


A lovely pair of vintage, hand-painted, wooden shoes. Too bad so many others have bought similar souvenir shoes over the past 70 years.


A nice little cloisonné trinket box. Too bad I wasn’t really looking at this for all the tell tale signs of reproduction.


Nice vintage tray, right? There are so many out in the market in great condition. Too bad I overlooked the rust.

It’s so great to clear out these, and several other, old mistakes and prepare for a year of great new finds! Hopefully 2017 will be another great year out on the trail.

Friday Favorite Vintage Finds-Enid Collins Box Purse


“nite owl” box bag

There are all kinds of estate sales and this week I ended up at one that was more of a downsizing than a “get rid of the family heirlooms” type of sale. Not many old items, but this one was filled with upscale décor. I managed to get into the line of avid shoppers stampeding through the house and snatching up everything not nailed down. Continue reading

Friday Favorite Vintage Finds-Safety Goggles


An old pair of Dockson safety glasses in a rusty dusty case

I’ve been busy the last two weeks, venturing up and down the highways, from one estate sale to another. As usual, some are the same stuffy events filled with furniture and the same set of china everyone must have bought 50 years ago. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are folks who would love to have these items, it just isn’t me. After all, how many formal dining room sets and fancy china can I have? Continue reading